We offer a wide range of comprehensive seminars and trainings, specially tailored to the needs of on- and offshore wind energy and its grid connection industries.
In particular, the trainings cover the fields of contract and claim management and are designed for professionals involved at any stage of a project – from development to construction and operation. CARNEADES’ extensive experience in the contracts for LOGIC, BIMCO, FIDIC and EPCI are supported by a variety of verifiable practical success.
Concise cases are presented and evaluated under German building law. Other interesting topics in the area of project management are also covered.
Based on our great know-how through the complete penetration of the market, we can always offer the best possible training and check your individual contracts of the on- and offshore industry on their legal certainty and possible special circumstances.
Immediately available, practical knowledge in plant engineering with a special 360° view on the focus offshore wind industry.

Our Seminars
FIDIC Yellow Book &
German Law
Claim Management
Contract Law in
Plant Engineering
Risk Management Focus
Offshore Wind
Contract Law – Risks
& Opportunities
FIDIC “Simple &
For our booking call us or send an email